Sunday 30 June 2013

30th June: The Year Abroad

During our last two days in Murcia, we couldn’t help but reminisce about all the experiences we’d had during our five months together and what we’d learnt from them. They seemed worthy of a mention, so here are some of the things we came up with.
  • Don’t worry about the little things.
  • In European universities, there is no ‘invigilation’ of exams. Cheating is accepted, if not promoted.
  • Mercadona is an amazing supermarket (which has its own theme tune) but nothing can replace Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys. 
  • Organisational skills are not a concept in Spain.
  • Spanish guys are really short (and creepy).
  • Italian guys are not to be trusted, no matter how charming and attractive they may seem.
  • A towel is essential for a trip to the beach or pool.
  • Dying your own hair a different colour is never a good idea.
  • Always take remember your keys, especially when your only flatmate has gone away for the week.
  • Don’t be drawn in by the ‘looky-looky’ men every time they come round with their cheap bracelets.
  • Although it may seem like it at the time, using sangria as a mixer is never a good idea.
  • It’s possible to be amazing friends with people from the other side of the world.
  • Falling in love is easy to do and difficult to forget.
  • ‘I Love It’ by Icona Pop is the best Year Abroad song ever.
  • The world is an amazing place and we’re incredibly lucky to have the opportunities to see it.
  • You don’t need half of the things you own.
  • No matter where you go in the world, those closest to you will always be there for you when you return.
  • In just five months, it’s possible to make friends for life.
  • Live life to the full, live life for the present and enjoy every minute.
These past five months have been some of the happiest of my life. My Year Abroad is now officially over and, although I had some tough experiences in Russia, I don’t regret a second of it as it’s helped make me the person I am today. I have had some incredible experiences and made some amazing friends on my Year Abroad, and now I am ready for the next stage, knowing that life really is beautiful.

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