Wednesday 31 July 2013

31st July: The Green and Pleasant Land

As a rule, I don’t write anything in this blog about my home life, and since I’m at home catching up with friends and family this week before flying out to Peru on Monday, I’m only writing to officially bring the Spanish section to a close. After flying back home to a rainy England, I can’t think of any way more appropriate to end this part of my Year Abroad than with a reflection of the things that make both Spain and Britain really amazing. So, here’s what I’ve come up with...

Things I’ll miss about Spain:
The nights out
The food and drink - paella, tapas, sangria, Licor 43...
The weather: you can actually plan outfits, barbecues and picnics in advance without always being defeated by the rain; you can go out without a jacket or an umbrella
The relaxed atmosphere
Being able to get around without the use of a car
Spanish time - eating meals late is definitely the way forward (although 11pm is pushing it...)
The prices - of everything: food, drinks, nights out, transport, accommodation...
The incredible people

Things I’ve missed about Britain:
The home comforts - fruits squash, Shreddies, Quorn, curry, Cadburys, Haribos Tangfastics
People actually turning up at the arranged time
Our huge supermarkets and their world of choice
My bed - king-sized and memory foam, you’ve never slept better in your life
My wardrobe - I forgot I actually had this many clothes, shoes and bags, or how much I’d missed them...
Actually just having all my stuff, and not having to live out of a suitcase
Exeter’s crappy clubs, which somehow make for an amazing night out
The view out my bedroom window (never sunny, but always beautiful)
My piano, my violin and my guitar
My horse (or, he used to be mine anyway, in what feels like another life)
My dogs (turns out they forgive me for going away after all)
And of course, my friends and family, who mean the world to me

It’s been an incredible term and I never wanted it to end, but now it has, I have a week to remind myself of everything that is great about being home in England before making Peru my home for the next month. This year has shown me that I’m not only capable of living abroad, but that it’s something I really want to consider for the future. Despite this, there is one thing I’m certain of, and that is that no matter how far I travel or where life takes me, I will always be proud to call myself British.

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