Friday 20 September 2013

The End

Words cannot describe how incredible this year has been and how much it has changed me. There have been difficult times, but I know that I’ve become a stronger and, ultimately, a happier person. I’ve been to Germany, Thailand, Russia, Spain and Peru, and with each new adventure, I’ve confronted new challenges, but I’ve also had some life-changing, unforgettable experiences and met some really amazing people. I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface of what the world has to offer, and it’s made me want to push the boundaries and explore ever further.
I lost two grandparents this year, and this has been the toughest part of all. A year  ago today, my Gramps died of cancer, and tomorrow I’ll be saying goodbye to my Grandpa, who passed away two weeks ago after suffering a heart attack. My blog was always read to my Gramps at his bedside, and my Grandpa was always my most devoted reader; I never dreamt I’d have to say goodbye to him before I came to the end. I can only hope that, were they alive today, they’d be proud of all that I’ve done. I’m going to do all I can to keep doing them proud and to live the life they always wanted me to have: full of adventure, love and passion.

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