Friday 26 April 2013

26th April: Ready for the Weekend

Well, it’s been a pretty quiet week to be honest, but it’s been exactly what I needed to be able to catch up from my last visit and prepare for my next one.

Now it’s Friday evening and Lou is arriving in less than twenty-four hours. I’ve slogged away at my work all week so I feel I deserve these next few days off. The problem is that all my deadlines are beginning to creep up, so I’ve had to work every waking hour to get my end-of-term projects done on time. The biggest problem is the linguistics project I have to have done for a couple of weeks’ time. I’ve had to read two dense books on non-verbal communication (in Spanish), note down quotations and devise not only a written project but a Powerpoint presentation about it. Luckily it’s a group project, so I’m hoping the others will do their share next week when I’m busy.

About the only slightly interesting event of the entire week was the languages department party yesterday - but even that was a flop. It just so happened that it poured down with rain on that day, making the outdoor party pretty unpleasant. We were a depleted group already, Lina and Alicia being with their parents, but we arrived with some girls from our translation group. It could have been a good day but the rain just made it cold and miserable, so we didn’t end up staying long. There was meant to be another party in the evening, also outside but at the Merced campus, but we didn’t feel like braving it and we’re pretty sure it got rained off anyway.

So now, after another long day of note-taking and translation and an hour-long run to stop me going completely stir-crazy, I’m ready for Lou to come and for the weekend to begin.

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