Wednesday 21 November 2012

21st November: An Awkward Situation

The situation with my landlady has hit a new low. I think it’s safe to say that she officially hates me now, and there’s little I can do to change this.

To explain the story properly, I need to recap a few days. So, on Monday night, after Strip Dance (which was surprisingly ok, by the way – half the class was dance, the other half weights) I went out for drinks. Vanya picked me up from outside my flat and we walked to Cocktail Bar together, only to find that no one was there as loads of people had gone out the night before, and Ben and Ed had already moved on somewhere else. We walked over to Taro, where they were waiting for us, and waited for Alexia, Sean and Katya, a Russian girl we’d met in Cocktail Bar the week before.

Katya took us to a little bar called Jamaica, which turned out to be completely empty. Not wanting to stay in such a depressing atmosphere, Alexia, Vanya and I split off from the others and headed to People Bar. There, we split a bottle of vodka and chatted for a few hours before moving on to Your Bar, which turned out to be already closed. And so we ended up back at Cocktail Bar, and it was there that the night took a bad turn. For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to drink my usual Tropical Iced Tea on top of all the vodka I’d already drunk, and to accept the two shots of Ярославская Собака (Yaroslavl Dog, which consists of vodka and Tabasco) that Vanya ordered for me. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night being sick.

Alexia and Vanya walked me home and, as I wasn't thinking straight, I let them take me right to my door. Of course this woke Lyudmila up, who came out of her room with a face like thunder. I apologised profusely whilst fumbling ineffectually with my keys and trying to make a quick escape. Just when things had started to improve, Lyudmila was angry with me again.

The next day, having had approximately two hours sleep and still feeling the full effects of the horrendous shots I’d drunk, the last thing I wanted to be doing was going to university, but I had no choice. There was no way I was spending any more time than absolutely necessary in that apartment with Lyudmila.

By some miracle, both our teachers were away that day and I was able to nap for the first two hours before a cover teacher appeared, and even then I managed to hide in the corner and not say much. As soon as classes finished I staggered home and fell into bed for the rest of the afternoon, only waking up to have some dinner, speak to my boyfriend and watch a film. When I saw Lyudmila I apologised again profusely, but she was not impressed. She said that my apology was just words and when I repeatedly apologised and promised it wouldn't happen again, she simply said, “We’ll see.”

Later, watching a film, it got unbelievably hot in my room so, like any ordinary person, I decided to open a window. It was then that my day got even worse; something went wrong with the hinge of the window and it wouldn't close. I tried every way possible to close it but it just wouldn't go. I couldn't go into Lyudmila’s room now, as disturbing her would anger her even more. I decided to wait until the next afternoon (she was never in a very good mood in the mornings either) and spent the whole day dreading what might happen.

When I got back today she wasn't in, but out of habit I closed the latch on the door. An hour later I heard furious and incessant rings on the doorbell and rushed to open the door, apologising profusely. It was then that I began to explain that the window wouldn't close, at which she said she already knew, and why hadn't I told her before. I said that I had first realised that morning and hadn't wanted to wake her (because she goes back to sleep after she’s cooked me breakfast) but she retorted that I should have woken her because now she wouldn't be able to get the workman in until the next day. She asked what I’d done to it and I replied honestly that I hadn't done anything, I’d just opened it. Of course, she didn't believe me and said I must have done something to it to break it, and that the cost would come out of my bill. And I’d thought the situation between us couldn't get any worse.

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